Welcome!... Proof Of Quality Is On The Roof.
We love the Christmas season, the fun and festivities and food, but not everyone in our community is as fortunate. Millenium Shutter and Blinds has decided to help make Christmas better for others in our community by creating Reverse Advent Calendars.
Reverse advent calendars work by you filling them every day with with items of food, toiletries, essentials, toys or clothing that can then be taken to a family in need, local food bank, shelter or charity in order to help those in our community who are struggling at Christmas time.
If you are looking for a new Christmas tradition to start with your kids, why not build a reverse advent calendar? It is not only fun to do, but will teach your children valuable lessons of caring and compassion over the holiday season.
Not only is this a fun activity for children, but local businesses can participate too! As a group or individually, you, your family and your employees can get into the Christmas spirit by contributing items (from your own supplies or from a store) to add to the collection. Imagine how much better Christmas could be if we all participated!
We are especially calling upon other members of The Aurora Chamber of Commerce to help us make Christmas Merry for all those in our community this year.
Let’s make this a new Christmas Tradition for families and local small businesses in Aurora, and ensure that everyone has a wonderful Christmas this year and in years to come.
Because Christmas time is hectic and especially difficult for struggling parents, it is a good idea to begin filling your calendar 24 days before the week before Christmas. This way, your donations can be dropped off in time for families to get organized for Christmas day.
Step 1. Find and decorate something to collect your calendar gifts in. This could be something as easy as 2 empty (12 bottle) wine boxes (available free at the local liquor store) or perhaps re-useable shopping bags, baskets or plastic bins. Children will enjoy making the calendar look festive with craft supplies such as glitter, ribbon and Christmas paper.
Step 2. Each day choose something to add to your reverse advent calendar. This daily act of good will will make Christmas all the more special and remind children and adults alike what this special season is all about.
Step 3. Drop your calendar offerings off to a local family, food bank or charity of your choice a week or so before Christmas.
As our personal thank you for participating in our challenge, Millenium Shutters & Blinds will offer a 20% discount off any window covering order for individuals and businesses who join with us in making Christmas 2017 merrier for all Auroran’s.
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